Story SLAM

Friday, September 13th
6:30pm - 8:45pm @ The Belfry in Sisters
Doors @ 6:00
Theme: Stranger Than Fiction

Help us kick off SFOB 2024 by joining us for an evening of storytelling, poetry and music! True stories based on the theme “Stranger Than Fiction” will be shared by authors visiting for the festival and by you, the members of our community. Interludes from local poets and musicians will be interspersed throughout the evening.

If you would like to share a story, please review the info below and then fill out the registration form on this page. Names will be drawn at random at the event. Sign-ups are open until end of day, Wednesday, September 11th. Prizes include two Friday tickets to Sisters Folk Festival, a $150 gift card to Paulina Springs Books, and signed books. Check out the “How it Works” section below for more info.

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will be available at The Belfry’s bar throughout the evening.

**All ages are welcome at this event, please be aware that stories shared may contain adult content.

Sign up to tell a story

Sign-ups are open until end of day, Thursday, September 12th. Don’t forget to review the “How it Works” and “Do’s and Don’ts” sections below before registering! Good luck! By signing up to tell a story, you and a plus one will get tickets to attend the StorySLAM. We will follow up with you via email as soon as possible, but no later than 10am on Friday the 13th!

How it Works

  • Ten storytelling slots will be filled at random the night of the event by drawing names out of a hat.

    • To sign up for the drawing, please fill out the form at the top of this page.

  • Storytellers will be drawn from both the community and authors visiting for the festival. Our goal is three or four author slots and six or seven community slots, but depending on the number of sign-ups, that may change. Featured authors are not eligible for prizes.

  • The audience will have scorecards and vote for their two favorite stories at the end of the evening.

    • The two prize packages are:

      • two Friday tickets to Sisters Folk Festival

      • $150 gift card to Paulina Springs Books

      • each winner will also receive signed copies of each author’s book that participated in the storySLAM.

    • The storyteller with the most votes will get their choice of prize, with the remaining prize going to the storyteller with the second most votes.

  • Throughout the evening, we’ll also be hearing from local poets and musicians in what will be a grand celebration of literature and storytelling!

  • This is not a Moth StorySLAM event, but they were very generous in letting us use their language and guidelines for our event. If you’re looking for inspiration or to understand more about what a StorySLAM entails, check out their website.

Do’s and Don’ts


Tell a TRUE STORY. This StorySLAM is strictly nonfiction.

Tell a story that is ON THEME. The theme for this StorySLAM is “Stranger than Fiction.” We encourage you to interpret this theme in as creative a way as you’d like, but the story you’ve prepared should be intrinsically related to the theme for the evening.

Tell a story that has STAKES. A story needs action and the action must have consequences. What is gained or lost? What is the urgency? What is the conflict? What is the goal and who or what is blocking it? How did the trip from Point A to Point B change or shape you?

Tell a story that is YOURS. Were you there? Are you one of the “main characters”? Your involvement in the events as they unfold is essential. No journalism.

Tell a story WITHOUT NOTES. We encourage you to fine tune your story as much as possible beforehand, but stories must be told without notes or reference on stage.

Tell a story that that is ON TIME. SLAM stories should be 5 minutes long, plus a one minute grace period.


Please don’t caricature or “explain” a culture that is not your own (e.g., putting on fake accents or telling us about the “customs” of a community you don’t belong to).

Please don’t make another person’s identity (class, gender, race, orientation, body type, etc.) the punchline… or the storyline. Your story, your struggles.

Please don’t use another’s identity as a prop or plot point. If you choose to include another person’s race, orientation, physical appearance or able-bodiedness, be sure that it is intrinsic to the story.

Please don’t celebrate unwanted sexual advances in your story.

And of course, never use racial slurs or hate speech.

If your story suffers from any of these problems, please go back to the drawing board. We promise your story will be better for it!

Financial Accessibility Statement

Sisters Festival of Books charges admission for festival tickets for the sustainability of the organization and to raise funds for the local literacy initiatives we support. However, we believe that everyone should have access to the arts and community gatherings.

If cost is a barrier to your participation in the festival, please contact us HERE with the event you would like to attend and we will make it happen, no questions asked!